Why Facebook Groups Don’t Work For Accountability

2 min readMay 27, 2021

A lot of people are using Facebook Groups and calling it, “Accountability.”

There was a time when accountability was built into everything we did. Our parents, schools, and jobs, all were systems of accountability.

We lost those systems of support and accountability when we left to start our small business.

But we need that accountability now more than ever.

When we look for accountability in places like Facebook groups we might end up disappointed.

These groups are great for social interaction (after all, as folks who often work alone we need camaraderie, too — shout out to Sue, MIKE Gregga, Alyse, and Shannon!).

But as far as accountability goes, groups miss the mark.

Think about it…

Back in school, we got an F when we didn’t study for the test (and faced our parents).

If we failed to do our job as an employee, we were let go (and faced our parents again — this time to move back in).

But in a Facebook group: we can participate whenever we want (or not).

We don’t have anyone to kick us out if we don’t show up. And with hundreds of other members, it’s easy to get lost.

Accountability breeds productivity. Without it we spin and sputter out.

If you’re tired of falling down rabbit holes, I recently created a free tool.

It’ll help you put together a simple plan and a solid path forward.

Here’s the link if you want this tool… http://FinishTheThing.com

